8 Sounds Cats Make and Their Meanings – Understand Your Cat Better

1.Purring Sound

Cats often purr when they are happy.
Cats may also purr when they are in pain
The vibrations produced by purring is linked to many health benefits such as reducing blood pressure.


Trilling is a chirpy, high-pitched sound that cats make to greet people or other kittens Cats trill to get the attention of humans or other cats. This positive-vibe noise is a way of saying “Hello, I’m here!”


Cats make chattering noise by vibrating their jaws
Cat often make this sound when they’re fascinated by bird or prey outside a window, but can’t reach it
A cat’s chattering noise indicates extreme frustration or extreme excitement.


Growling is a warning sound. It indicates fear or anger
Growling is a cat’s way of saying “leave me alone”


In the wild, kittens meow to their mothers when they are cold or hungry However, adult cats don’t meow at each other. Scientist believe cats have refined meow sound exclusively for humans
Cats meow at humans to say hello, ask for food, attention or warmth But if the meow sounds unpleasant, your pet is annoyed or angry.


The yowl is a long, drawn-out moan. Unlike meowing, yowling is a cat-to-cat communication Yowling is a cat’s way of saying “I want to mate” or “stay out of my territory”
Cats also yowl when scared, bored, in pain, or have hormonal issues.


Cats hiss when they are angry or frightened Hissing is a cat’s clear way of saying back off or they’ll be forced to attack
Animal experts theorize that cats learned hissing by imitating snakes.


Cats scream when they are in pain. It can also signal the end of their mating.

Cats produce more than 100 different sounds.
If your cat is suddenly more vocal, it could be a sign of an underlying issue – contact your vet!

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