Why Do Cats Chew Plastic And Other Weird Things? Recognizing Feline Pica

Have you ever caught your cat munching on houseplants or gobbling up thread from the couch?This craving for non-food items is a disorder known as pica and although it may seem like…


Can Cats Eat Eggs?

Eggs are delicious, healthy and have an irreplaceable role in tons of recipes for a huge variety of homecooked meals. They are an excellent source…

Can Cats Eat Bread - catofday

Can Cats Eat Bread?

It may surprise you that there are some cats out there that love the taste of bread! But, can cats eat bread or is it…


Why Do Our Cat Like Fish?

Cat’s common to see a rival relationship between a cat and a pet fish on animated TV shows and films. The four-legged character usually tries…

Choose Best Cat Food To Reduce The Stench Of Cat Poop

Choose Best Cat Food To Reduce The Stench Of Cat Poop

Cat poop—or any other type of poop for that matter—is not supposed to smell like flowers, but that doesn’t mean it should be a stench from hell either.

What Human Food Can Cats Eat

What Human Food Can Cats Eat? What You Can Share And What To Avoid

Sharing a meal with a cat is so hard to resist, especially when you meet those innocent, begging eyes. Some cats identify with their humans…

Plants and Foods that are Poisonous to Cats

Plants and Foods that are Poisonous to Cats

Every home contains hazards for cats, including ones that are seemingly benign. Here’s a overview of the most common toxic foods and plants that may be…