Who’s Smarter: Dogs or Cats?
The age-old debate about which household pet reigns supreme in intelligence often comes down to dogs versus cats. Both animals have unique cognitive abilities and…
After This Cat Lost His Limbs To Frostbite, People Set Him Up With 4 Prosthetic Ones
With the dead cold winter in Siberian Russia that happens every year, people must have been prepared for themselves certain things to get warm. With…
Thai Woman Uses Turmeric For Her Cat’s Fungal Infection, And The Cat Accidentally Turns Yellow (12 Pics)
I am telling you, Asian spices and Asian’s secret tips to cure things are incredible. Make sure you do the research before aggressively applying or…
3 Ways to Tell If Your Cat is Sick
We are all wired differently on how we see things, especially subtle things, and there’s no better way to describe a sick cat, considering they…
Cat Allergy:Everything You Need To Know
For cat lovers, the most awful situation is when they contract cat allergy. You are extremely fond of your pussy and adore it a lot….
COVID-19 May infect in pets and animals
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some coronaviruses cause cold-like illnesses in people, while others cause illness in certain types of animals, such as…
Street Kitten Rescue: Five Little Kittens in Danger
A women found these little kittens under a fence at a parking. She couldn’t help them herself so she asked for help on social media….