Colorpoint Shorthair Cat History
Development of the Colorpoint Shorthair first began in the 1940s when British and American Siamese breeders tried to produce cats that were similar to the Siamese, but in pointed colors other than those typically seen in the Siamese breed. They crossed Siamese with Abyssinians and red tabby Domestic Shorthairs. The results were mixed, but eventually these cats were crossed back to Siamese.
These cats were still considered Siamese, which caused controversy within the breed. Finally, the name Colorpoint Shorthair was given to these cats. The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) recognized them as a separate breed from the Siamese in 1974. Today, the American Cat Fanciers Association (AFCA) and The International Cat Association (TICA) recognize them as a type of Siamese.
The Colorpoint Shorthair cat is not only beautiful but also highly intelligent. While she may not be quite as intelligent as a Siamese, she can be trained to do many things. This does not mean, however, that it can be trained to do everything a parent might wish. Like most other highly intelligent breeds, the Colorpoint Shorthair has her own desires.
The Colorpoint Shorthair is a very affectionate cat and wants her parent to be as dedicated to her as she is to her parent. The parent must be affectionate to the Colorpoint, and some time should be spent playing with her every day.
What They Are Like to Live With
Colorpoints share temperament with the Siamese. They are vocal and demanding of attention. They are also very active and love to play.
Colorpoints are intelligent cats that get along well with children and other pets.

Things You Should Know
Colorpoints are very vocal cats, and will demand attention by crying.
They are very closely related to the Siamese.
Colorpoints are sensitive to their owner’s moods.
Cat Care
The Colorpoint Shorthair’s coat is exceedingly easy to care for. Weekly brushing with a rubber curry brush to remove loose hair and the occasional bath is just about all this breed needs. Shedding is fairly low and they are naturally very clean cats. Keep your Colorpoint Shorthair cat’s nails trimmed short and periodically look inside the ears for dirt and redness. If you see a little debris in the ears, use a gentle pet ear cleanser to clean the ears with a cotton ball and (never stick anything like a cotton swab into a cat’s ear). If the ears look inflamed or excessively dirty, or if your Colorpoint Shorthair is shaking his head or scratching his ears, schedule a checkup with your veterinarian.
There are a few ways you can help your Colorpoint Shorthair get enough exercise and indoor enrichment. First provide plenty of places to climb and perch like cat trees and kitty condos. Also, all cats need to scratch, which is a natural and enjoyable behavior. To keep your couch and rugs in good shape, give your Colorpoint Shorthair a variety of acceptable scratching places both vertical (like posts or cat trees) and horizontal (like cardboard or sisal scratchers that lie on the ground).