Lots of people believe cats and dogs can’t stand each other, and this will never change. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’ve seen so many loving relationships between dogs and cats that I can’t believe this myth still exists.

That said, cats and dogs speak different languages, so to speak, and introducing them involves some supervision and patience as they learn each other’s signals. Here are some tips to ensure that your cats and dogs enjoy a happy life together.
Make Equal Time For Your Cat And Your Dog
If you are thinking about having both a dog and a cat in your family, you must be a real pet lover! But as natural as this may sound to you, one thing you should not forget is to give attention to both your dog and your cat the way they need it. If you are used to being with a cat, you may or may not be familiar with the way a dog would like to receive attention.
Define And Respect Keep-out Zones

If a cat is joining a household where a dog lives, the cat should be placed in a dedicated room where the dog doesn’t have access to. Especially during the first months, this will lessen the cat’s anxiety and prevent the cat from feeling stressed. Make sure the cat’s litter box is an absolute keep-out zone for your dog and separate the dog and cat’s feeding bowls.
Accustom The Animls To The Smell Of The Other
Dogs as well as cats have their own smell . The animal inhabitants should get used to this smell before they get together. It is best to let the new animal sleep on a blanket that absorbs the smell before moving in. Then you take the blanket that carries the fragrance home so that the existing pet can get used to the smell of the newcomer . If a cat is to get used to a barking new roommate, it is also advantageous to play a sound recording with the barking sound of the dog.
Allow Some Time To Help Them Get to Know Each Other
When you first arrange the meeting of a cat and a dog under the same roof, you should not be alone. Ask a friend or a family member to assist you during the first few meetings between cats and dogs. Both animals could feel uneasy and you and the second person will be acting as moderators between the two.
Keep An Eye On Your Pets’ Behavior

Monitor both animals reactions during the first encounters with each other. Normally, it is advisable to use a baby gate for the first encounters between your dog and your cat. This is a precaution against all possible unexpected reactions. If the dog starts barking excessively or trembles, your task will be to keep the dog calm and distracted. If the cat has flat ears, moves the tail without stopping and keeps a low position, this is probably the sign that you should slow down the encounter or find a diversion.
Don’t Forget: Cats And Dogs Have Different Personalities
The above tips are general behaviors to refer to when you welcome cats and dogs under one roof. Nevertheless, you should keep in mind that no matter how much effort you may put into the successful socialization of your dog and cat, things can, inevitably, go wrong. And when this happens, it’s most likely due to personality traits. It’s advisable to spend some time together with the newcomer before deciding to finally welcome the new dog or cat into your home. When you do, keep your home pet’s personality traits in mind.
Remember To Stay Calm
After all, during the integration process, you are the one who should believe in the success of it! Show yourself as confident about the decision and your dog and cat will feel it. Your emotions and calm energy will have a positive effect on the general atmosphere of the newly formed furry household!

The outcome of all your efforts is dependent on the actual cat and dog, which is highly reliant on their disposition. In some instances, they will learn to tolerate each other and even become friends. However, there may be cases when the two can never be left alone together. No matter how hard humans try, there are just times when cats and dogs could not get along, so prepare for a lifetime of supervision. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from expert trainers as they can assist in making the transition easier for you.