Thai Woman Uses Turmeric For Her Cat’s Fungal Infection, And The Cat Accidentally Turns Yellow

Thai Woman Uses Turmeric For Her Cat’s Fungal Infection, And The Cat Accidentally Turns Yellow (12 Pics)

I am telling you, Asian spices and Asian’s secret tips to cure things are incredible. Make sure you do the research before aggressively applying or…

watermelon supurrvisor Pearl the cat

Angry-Looking Cat Famous In Thailand for Supervises Watermelons

Hello, our dear cat lovers, we are bringing you one of your most favorite feline types: the angry-looking one. Even though there have been several…

Gangster Cats Hatch A Plan In Hilarious Bathroom Commercial

Gangster Cats Hatch A Plan In Hilarious Bathroom Commercial.

As everyone knows, cats rule the internet and consequently, any company that wants to make a good, memorable commercial has to consider making cats part…

Why Does My Cat Lick Me Then Bite Me

Why Does My Cat Lick Me Then Bite Me?

If you’ve one or more cats, then you’ve probably been through this situation more than once where you find yourself asking ‘”Why does my cat…


Can Cats Eat Eggs?

Eggs are delicious, healthy and have an irreplaceable role in tons of recipes for a huge variety of homecooked meals. They are an excellent source…

How To Treat A Cat Bite And First Aid

How To Treat A Cat Bite And First Aid

Every cat owner has found him or herself on the business end of a cat’s claws at least once. Cats use their mouths and claws…

How To Calculate Your Kitty's Real Age

How To Calculate Your Kitty’s Real Age

When trying to calculate cat years, we understand that it can be a bit confusing. Cats age differently compared to humans. There is a popular…

40 Awesome Cat Facts to Understand Them Better

40 Awesome Cat Facts to Understand Them Better

Cats have lived with humans for more than 4,000 years but we still don’t know everything about them because they are really mysterious creatures. Did…

How To Get A Kitten To Like You

How To Get A Kitten To Like You?

Cats are typically thought of as being incredibly independent animals, but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy being around people and receiving love and affection….